Thursday, June 4, 2009

Hamlet at the Lantern

Although it was a while ago I remember the Lantern’s theaters performance of Hamlet like it was yesterday. When we first walked in my initial thought was “this place is really small, how are we all going to fit?” Then when we got to the actual there I though, “this is really small, how are we all going to fit…and where is the stage?” But I wasn’t prepared for what I was about to see. I thought it was really great and clever the way that the lights and staging were done. Aside from us practically being on stage with the actors, I felt compelled to pay attention to what was going on. A play such as Hamlet is not one that’s very short so I felt like time and pacing of the play was key. The Lantern did a great job at moving the play at a pace where it was interesting and understandable. I don’t want to sound like a typical student but Shakespeare can be difficult to read and understand, but the Lantern’s production of Hamlet made the book easier to understand. I’d have to say that my favorite character was the guy who played Hamlet. He did a great job of showing Hamlet’s transition from a man of mourning a man who just about lost all sanity. I also enjoy seeing how the characters made use of the stage and set because my initial reaction to seeing the stage was that there was no way anyone can do a decent production which a space such as the one they used, but I must say they did a phenomenal job. Overall II think I was a different and interesting production.

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